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Environmental testing

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Food testing

Pesticide Residues Analysis By Using LC-MSMS & GC-MSMS Instruments

In Fruits and vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables have been attacked by harmful insects and pest so most of the farmers use some pesticides that have a harmful, toxic and carcinogenic effects on human body. Some of these pesticide is Prohibited and restricted by the law of organization of heath like DDT which is not degradable in the environment and it is classified as environmentally toxic.

In Milk and dairy products

Insecticides are transmitted to mammals such as cows through the food chain, where some mammals feed on herbs and vegetables that may have been sprayed with the insecticide or its effects, which makes the transfer of some toxic compounds in the pesticide to the fat cells in the body of the mammal, where most toxic compounds dissolve in the mortar due to The polar characteristic of some of them, which in turn facilitates the agent of the accumulation of these toxic compounds in animal milk. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the proportion of those pesticides in milk and its derivatives to ensure that these products are free of toxic compounds and the high concentrations of these pesticides in them and to ensure their quality and safety for human use. 

In grains, nuts and spices

The state of grains is the case of most vegetables and fruits, as the biological accumulation of these insecticides with high concentrations in the fruits may lead to their transmission of seeds and grains, which requires laboratory examination of these seeds and grains in order to avoid their transmission through the food chain of the fruits through seeds or animals through the seeds, where they cause the accumulation of some compounds The chemicals in the grains lead to the extinction of rare types of birds in the world.

In water

Water is the lifeblood without which a person cannot live as fresh water pollution with pesticides leads to health damages to humans and animals alike as some chemical compounds in pesticides may easily dissolve in water due to their polar property.

In tea and coffee

Natural stimulants such as tea and coffee are among the most consumed drinks on a daily basis in the world. Therefore, the problem of the accumulation of these pesticides by spraying trees for the production of these crops comes to the biological accumulation of some toxic compounds in pesticides through the food chain, which is a threat to human health.