((Safety and healthy human comes from the safety and quality of water, food and medicine))
Allahsaid: “We have indeed created man in the best of moulds” Surah Al-Tin Verse 4
Therefore, the laboratories sector and its various laboratory analyzes act as the first line of defense to protect the human from any risks that may affect his health, as it is one of the most important diagnostic pillars in health care, and an essential pillar in the system of investigation and disease control, and one of the most important pillars of vital national security, and for that it was necessary to pay attention In this sector and support it in order to provide the right service at the right time.
My message to the government is to facilitate the procedures for establishing laboratories in each governorate and state to have a happy society and a decent social life.. Competitiveness is required and monopoly is forbidden!!
Work must also be done to develop and improve laboratory techniques and services through applied research as quickly as possible without compromising quality and accuracy.
Be a leader and role model in the laboratory sector by providing high quality testing practices at the lowest cost.